Saturday, July 21, 2012

UN envoy to Syria and Israel is considering intervention

UN envoy to Syria and Israel is considering intervention
The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon said he would send his agent for peacekeeping operations to Syria to assess the situation there, while continuing to force the Syrian regime and fighters opponents fighting for control of the country, and in the meantime, Israel announced it was preparing for possible military intervention in Syria, if the government handed over missiles or weapons chemical for Hezbollah.

After meeting with officials Croatian senior in the resort of Brioni on the Adriatic Sea, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, "I will send and Kelly General for Peacekeeping Operations (Herve Ladsous) to Syria to assess the situation, and also a large military advisers of the United Nations to lead the United Nations Observer Mission in that critical stage" .

This comes one day after the passing of the Security Council an extension of 30 days to delegate an observer mission to isolate a military mission only international on the ground in Syria, also comes after he used the Russia and China, veto-wielding against the decision to impose more sanctions on the government of President Bashar al-Assad .

Ban called on the UN Security Council to "redouble their efforts to gain access to the way of unified forward and the exercise of its collective responsibility," and added that the Syrian government "has manifestly failed to protect civilians, the international community has a collective responsibility to comply with the Charter of the United Nations and to act according to its principles."

The National Council of Syrian opposition was considered that the extension deadline of international observers will re-experience the bitter death experienced by the Syrian people for more than 16 months.

The head of the Office of External Relations Council Radwan Ziadeh that observers will not succeed in stopping the massacres, because the system used by a legitimate cover for his survival in power and manipulation of the international community.

He stressed that the National Council no longer care about the efforts of the Security Council, pointing out that the Syrian army free to impose a new reality on the ground.

For his part, said opposition activist Mohammad al-Abdullah to extend the mission of observers is out of the accounts of the Syrian Revolution, "the Syrians are no longer in need of witnesses to monitor the killing of unarmed civilians."

Fabius: France's strategy is based on the weakening of the Assad regime and unite the people (French)
European sanctions
On the other hand, said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said the European Union will stress again - on Monday - its sanctions against the Syrian regime.

He explained that the strategy of Fabius, France is based on the weakening of the current regime in Damascus, and work to unite the people to prevent turning the conflict into a religious war. Fabius also warned about the spread of the Syrian crisis to neighboring countries, especially Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel is preparing for possible military intervention in Syria, the Syrian government if delivered missiles or chemical weapons to Hezbollah.

Barak added - in an interview with Israeli television - that he ordered the army to the increased willingness of intelligence, and prepare what is necessary, in order to be able to study the implementation process in Syria, if necessary, he said.

"We are following the possible transfer of sophisticated systems, ammunition, especially anti-aircraft missiles or rockets land / the land of big, but it is also possible that chemical weapons are being transferred from Syria to Lebanon."

He said he was "at the moment it starts to (Syrian President Bashar al-Assad) in the fall, we will conduct surveillance and intelligence Sentuasl with other agencies."

The Israeli defense minister has toured the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, which can control which moves in Syria.

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